Firmware 3.0 for the Fuji XPRO2

Fuji did it again: a massive firmware update has arrived! As an old Nikon shooter I have some inhibitions to criticize Fuji, because I never got new features and bug-fixes through fw-updates from Nikon or Canon back in the days. I had a petition running because my Nikon had no light metering in conjunction with manual lenses back in the days. Even with many subscribers I never received an answer or an update from the manufacturer. Sad but true. waiting for KaiZen... So this is why I am happy about a camera manufacturer who is still supporting his customers one or two years after the product was launched. I follow some X-Photographers and they reporting quirks and improvements to Fuji. Sometimes you don't get what you expect when Fuji releases new software, but they are still moving their asses instead of sitting on it. My thoughts about some features of the new firmware-update that caught my attention Minimum Shutter Speed I love the addition of the new "AUTO...