Real feedback is bliss

How many followers do you have on social media? Do you have more than 10k followers on Instagram? How many real likes do you get? How much does it mean to you and your art? There are profiles on Instagram stuffed with terrible images receiving hundreds of likes and "get more followers" spam.

Don't get me wrong. It is good to share your art and see if people like what you do. But in the first place the whole thing should only satisfy one person: you! After that comes a circle filled with friends, good contacts and clients (if you do this for money).

The problem with social media is that people like other peoples content because they want to gain more followers and likes on their profile. In the end you can't decide which like is honest except the ones from people you know better. And this is where the quality comes into play. I have some great contacts on twitter and Instagram ( facebook etc. anymore) who are really into photography and when those people react to my images or writings I feel the quality. I know that time is precious when you review the vast output of your contacts and I also know that these people really look at my work before they comment or like it, so they mean it.

For me there is no need for clickbait, mass following and other strange things. The whole thing is made for me and the real feedback I receive from people who also appreciate quality as much as I do. If a thousand people like a certain thing I did it feels good, but it is not the motor that drives my car.

Don't waste too much of your precious time with social media and use it wise to share your stuff. Don't try to boost something. Enjoy the quality of the real feedback than hunting for the ultimate click-massacre of the masses.




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