Yesterday I sold my Ricoh GR III and traded it for a X100F

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and the camera might work for you. This is not a Fuji is better than everything post :-)

I've tried to love the Ricoh and have a little list with pros and cons:

The good

  • Size - If you need an APS-C sensor pocket camera, this is the one! The lens is superb and walks back into the body making it a super duper small camera!
  • Image quality - the files have a great range and a neutral color reproduction. Nothing to complain.
  • Craftmanship - the camera body is sturdy. Even the moving lens works flawless.
The bad

  • Menu - the menu system is not as easy as I know it from my Fuji gear. There are some nice ideas like the custom settings that can be tied to the mode-wheel, but overall I was not satisfied.
  • Shutter button - a soft mess for me. It failed for me when it comes to a half press lock many times. It doesn't feel right for me.
  • Display - in bright sunlight you are lost. I've also missed the possibility to review a photo through the EVF in bright conditions. And because of the giant display I had to turn of the touch functions because I accidentialy touched it too much times.
Don't get me wrong. The Ricoh GR system is great if it fits your needs. I know the difference for me know after switching back to the X100F. It just feels right.

What are your experiences with this system?


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