What you can learn from Momo about time

This article is not about photography in the first place. But you there is something you need to stay fresh and full of new ideas... You don't know who Momo is? It is figure of a novel with the same name written by Michael Ende (who also wrote the Never Ending Story) in 1979 and it is about time, freedom and seeing the world trough the eyes of a child in times of productivity and too many distractions. Don't forget that we are all children in a different age. Nothing has changed except the responsibilities and the amount of things you know, but you are still a child that wants to play. take an unproductive break from life Momo is a little homeless girl that lives in an old amphitheater at the edge of a city. She is very open and often visited by friends because she's got a special talent. But one day the grey men arrive in the city and try to take it over. They only can live by smoking the precious time of the citizens as cigars. To archive that they seduce people ...