Is the Fujinon 60mm still worth the money?

Everyone is talking about the new Fujinon 50mm f2 that is available now. I know, this lens is weather resistant and has a fast auto focus mechanism. Are these tech specs convincing for a photographer who already owns the 60mm f2.4?

fake GFX 50s medium format panorama out of two images
For me there is no need to buy the 50mm. I don't need a WR lens, because I never had any problems with light rain and I also have a super duper mini umbrella in my bag and the XPRO2 (or X100F) can be used one-handed without a problem. The auto focus speed is also not a real problem for me. The 60mm is still fast enough in most occasions (even with moving objects / look at the dog below).

And don't forget that this lens is a macro lens which can be use to get real close to the subject. And the best thing is that this lens is a sharp beast (even wide open). It produces crisp and clear images with great color and contrast (read about it here at photozone). The lens is also very compact and and sturdy.

I know that this old lens is still a bit expensive, but the results in terms of images quality are totally worth the price and macro shooters will also get a nice lens with 1:2 magnification and lots of detail.

So give it a try!




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