Fuji tops it again!

One reason for me to buy a Fuji camera was the strong support of the customers. Back to my Nikon days I had some problems with no light measurement with manual lenses on my D60. So I wrote to Nikon and I even created a public petition without any success or answer. After buying my X100 there were also some quirks that annoyed me. But Fuji listened and tried to eliminate them with some firmware updates. I never had such an experience with Nikon or Canon. And Fuji also put some new features into some of the updates that made me even happier. And now I have a "Deja Vu" again. Fuji is releasing the 4.0 firmware for the X-T1 in the next days. If you followed Fuji-Rumors recently you will be well informed about what´s coming with the next big update.

The biggest change for me beside the new auto focus features is focus speedup for the 35mm 1.4. There is no focus-pumping anymore. If you can trust the early testers you will have a whole new lens on your X-T1. Great news for me. I love to use this camera for travel, street or architecture and nature photography. It combines all others cameras in a small compact design and gives me a fast focus for everything else than only street photography. The perfect companion if you need a one-for-all camera.

Ok Fuji...I´m ready for the next big update!


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