When you know what the title means you are a Fuji-nerd. Today is firmware-day. The new FW 4.0 is ready to slip into the flash memory of your X-T1 to give you better AF performance and some new features like wide-tracking of objects.

Get the firmware here:

Read more about the firmware and best settings here at Fujirumors:

I had to think about how important the update is for me. No big deal. But when I´m traveling I always take my X-T1 with me. It is more versatile for this kind of photography and has built in WLAN (and a tilting screen etc.). And when you do travel photography there are situation were you need a fast AF to track moving objects. For street photography I don´t need this update. I use mostly zone-focusing together with my X-PRO1 so I can concentrate more on framing.

Happy downloading!


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