My first photo taken with my (old) new x-pro1

Photograph windows by Nils Kuelper (robvisual) on 500px
windows by Nils Kuelper (robvisual) on 500px

On my way home from work I took some photos to test my newest addition to my Fuji-park, the x-pro1. What should I say? The camera doesn´t feel like a toy in your hands. The size and weight is just right for serious photography. If you need a better grip, there are many solutions out there for your taste. I don´t need one because I have small hands. It looks fantastic. Don´t put me in the same line with all that hipsters who always want to look good with their gear. But I love good design and Fuji did it right. It feels sturdy and handcrafted. Only Leica and other high quality brands can beat this. But for a different price ;-)

The image quality is just the same as from my x100s or x-t1. Yes...the autofocus is slower as on my x-t1. But it is very accurate and not too slow (read this article from Marco Larousse). And for the most things I shot I don´t need a blazing fast autofocus (and I use zone-focussing in the streets). I will grab my x-t1 for that kind of photos. The x-pro1 is not really my backup-gear I will take it the most time with me. For this reason I also bought the leather-housing. So you can throw the camera just into you bag or hang it around your neck. And the x-t1 and x-pro1 are using the same type of battery. So this point is also easy to handle. It is also great to have more choice. The x-t1 for example is great for tripod-action with it´s tilting display. It has also ab better screen for precise work and landscape-photography.

I think it is a good deal to buy an x-pro1 for just 560 Euros as a main or backup camera. Same image-quality and a joy to use. And there is also a deal to get this great camera together with the 18mm and 27mm lenses for only 899 bucks. A perfect lineup for the streets. So come on!

Next time I will show you the strap (this strap has an extra functionality) and the softbutton I have ordered.


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