Never go out without your camera

Last weekend my wife and I did a little trip to Lübeck (the old hanseatic city of marzipan). We discovered a new shop that was offering tailor made clothes and a new (organic treated)  haircut in one shop. We had a good time there and I ask the two owners if I can take a portrait of them.

I had my X100s with me and I used the incoming light from the window to illuminate my subjects. The great thing about a small rangefinder style camera is that you can look (with one eye) at your subjects without a big cam in the way. There is more intimacy between the photographer and the other persons. So we had a lot of fun and I took a little series of shots and picked this one. I love the warm light from the lamp at the right and the depth of the background. The fabric on the table and the measurement-band tell us who of the both women runs the tailor part of the shop.

I do my portraits always spontaneous without to much buzz and hectic. Most of the times people know how to look good and interesting. Judge for yourself...

Photograph Rebekka & Albertina by Nils Kuelper (robvisual) on 500px
two proud women - (X100s @ f2.8)


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