Urban exploration is not street photography?

Photograph geometric by Nils Kuelper (robvisual) on 500px
love the colors - (X-T1 35mm)
Do you like rules? Street photography should be black and white! Candid street photography is always blah blah blah!

Most people talking about the freedom of art and rules at the same time. I don´t care about that. I think there is no exact rule when it comes to street photography. It is more like a study or a visual diary of the things you saw. Without all the different approaches of thousands of photographers trying to document all aspects of human life there would be no variety when you take a photographic look into our past. And photos without people can document how the surrounding world looks in detail or as an overlook. When you walk down the streets hunting for the decisive moment it is also important (for me) to get into the mood by documenting the surrounding architecture, streetart and other things. It helps me a lot it is a good contrast to the stealth ninja like hunting for good images.

Maybe you want to make a book about the streets of Amsterdam. I would do some photos without people to transport some more details to the viewer and put them between the shots with people in it.

But this is a matter of your personal taste. Art is about inspiration, not imitation. Find your own style in documenting the world the way you see it and enjoy life!


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