No one is looking at my photos!

Some day you may feel sad and alone in a big crowd. Thousands of people but no one is taking notice of you. They just pass by and don´t even look at you and your work. The internet is such a place with millions of people that can see your work online. You see other photographers getting enormous attention and credits. And your work is like invisible. What´s wrong with my style of photography?

Maybe there is nothing wrong with that. But bear in mind that being noticed is the result of some work in the background:

* writing a blog or publish a video on youtube about photography and art
* creating or supporting communities
* getting in touch with other photographers in real life
* exhibitions in the real world
* work hard
* and finally luck! the right time and place (don´t forget that!)

XATAR - XPRO1 27mm @F4
But is it really important to be noticed by thousands of people? The most important viewer of your photographic work should be the one behind the camera: you!

Do it for yourself in the first place. If your love a certain type of photography, go with it. Don´t live the life of somebody else or try to do something for the masses that does not feel right. Print your photos and hang them on your wall at home or at work. Enjoy your own stuff and grow with it. Maybe your want to hang your photos on a gallery-wall in future. That is great. But get over your ego first and don´t try to boost your fame at any price. If you are satisfied with your photos regardless of what other people say you are in the right mood to go on with it.

tom the easy biker - XPRO1 18mm @ F5.6
If you want to make money out of photography than try to be a paid photographer for weddings or reportage etc. In your spare time you can go for the special interest section and do whatever you want and do exhibitions. Don´t frustrate yourself. And never forget that little drop of luck you also need to be successful.

So just keep on shooting and enjoy the results. Don´t lose you motivation. 

There is tons of inspiration in this never ending universe!


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