Still images are great to put some light on odd and disgusting things

I was walking down the streets without a destination (like I often do) and there was this wall full of graffiti and a round object with some waste beside it. I don´t like waste laying on the streets because children and dogs could be harmed and it is just tasteless and disgusting. Nevertheless from the right perspective this arrangement can be a great photo and you also doing a good thing in documenting what people are doing to their environment.

arts & decay / X100s
If you visit a modern gallery like the "Tate Modern" or the "Gropius Bau" you will discover similar (artificial) arrangements like the art of Damien Hirst or Joseph Beuys. But out in the streets most people just pass by without paying attention (or money) to it. So as an artist you can do your own interpretation of the scene and conserve this special moment. Because someone could tear down the wall, paint it white and for sure the mess would be cleaned up some day. But in this special time frame you cut out a slice out of reality to become a part of your portfolio and show it to other people.


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