The project finds you!

There are many photographers talking about their many projects. A project could be a special topic like shooting people looking on their mobile phones or diagonals in architecture. But sometimes people put too much pressure on finding a good topic for a project. Don´t let this happen to you. In terms of taoism you just have to wait and observe until the right thing comes to you.

people & stairs
All you need is inspiration. Inspiration is everywhere. You just have to lean back and watch the world that surrounds you. Don´t say: "I don´t like places like that" or "this is boring". Maybe the next surprise is hiding around the corner. Try to see the magic behind the things in every day life. You don´t need to travel far away to exotic places to make a good photo. You need the inspiration to trigger your creativity. And when I say inspiration I mean it in every way not limited to photography. A good book or a tasty cup of coffee with a good friend can lead to a great idea.

Don´t wait for it. Just enjoy life and feel the energy that flows right trough you!

Here is one of my projects at 500px called busy.


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