Looking back at 2015

The older you get the faster time goes by. This is why we need some memorabilia to remember certain things and situations. I love to look at my older photos like a visual diary that guides my through the past.

Here are my favorite photos of 2015:

1 - This kind of hard contrast photos always have my attention. You can change the whole scene just with a different exposure-setting. My wife said it looks kind of scary. But in reality it was not.

2 - Lines and holes. We love to peek through a peep- or keyhole. Lines are guiding our eyes creating leading structures in photographs. This one contains a pyramid, diagonals and horizontals. It took some time to wait for the woman entering the scene. But it was worth the time.

3 - I stumbled into this (messed up but interesting) bookshop by accident. I´ve walked this street a hundred times before. But this day I saw this little shop for the first time. The owner appeared after I entered the shop and we had a little chat about Seneca, high quality facsimiles and photography. Outside I asked him to take a photograph of him. I will print this one and give it to him next year.

4 - Wearing a funny hat by accident.

5 - This guy has his own unique style. I pulled out my phone and took this photo of him.

6 - This is one of the shots that has a deeper meaning of freedom. When I look at it, it reminds me of the inner peace that lays in every one of us.

7 - The inner core of street photography (for me) is a photo like this. A couple standing behind a giant propeller with their heads cuts visually cut off.

8 - Lost or found? At this day I had a nice time doing a photowalk with Marco Larousse and some other Fuji freaks in Hamburg city. This was my first real shot I did after we reached the town hall.

9 - Black and white works great on this shot. He was checking his shoe leaning against this fence. The lines and the look-through fence are great.

10 - How to feel small in a universe full of things? Just take you wide angle lens and take a photo of someone looking at the sea.

11 - I was invited into a tall building for a little IT event. The room was full of busy people checking their phones. A great opportunity to take a shot like this one.

12 - Berlin. The rest of the wall that divided my home country for so long. But now it is only a small memorial you can pass by on both sides.

13 - Stormy weather and lines. And with some luck a woman will enter the scene to make this shot perfect for me.

14 - Tom the rocker. He is an awesome guy doing his thing. After losing his driving licence he started from the scratch with a pimped up bike. We had a great chat and I was able to take some photos of him.

15 - Between all this street photos I also try do some shots I would classify as fine art. This one hangs on my wall at home.

16 - Backdrops! There are so many of them!

17 - The result of an after-work-shooting with a friend. We tried out some filters for long exposure. This was one of the results. 

I hope you enjoyed the past collection of my "top 2015" photos. The countdown is running and 2016 is right behind the door.

Be peaceful and creative. And don´t be an asshole!!!


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