You love your photos? Print a book!

Imagine how much joy a photo-book can bring to you. Maybe you already own books of Ansel Adams, Saul Leitner, Henry Cartier Bresson and other well know photographers. But why is there no book with your name on it? You are not famous enough? Bullshit! It is not about fame! Just do it!

Print a book just for yourself. It is not that expensive anymore (20-30 Euros for 20-36 pages) and you get the same high quality as from the professional ones.

If you see your photos on real paper it will make your heart bump. Printing the photos in a smaller scale will make them look awesome. If you know how to prepare your photos for a book (dpi, sharpening etc.) there will be no real visual difference between your book and a pro one.

You can also use the book to show some selected works to other photographers, family or clients. Let other photo-books inspire you on how to do it. Don´t try to stuff hundreds of photos into 40 pages because it is possible. Also try to leave some pages blank (I payed for every single page) to let photos speak for them without any distraction.

Think about the contents of the book. Maybe there is a topic or a story you want to tell. There are so many possibilities. Most of the book printing services offer you free software to design the book without having any knowledge about using professional DTP software. You can focus on your photos and places them in the right order and size on every page. What should stop you from doing it?

Do it now and enjoy your work as a real book. You won´t regret it. Trust me!




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