The joy of printing!

No, this is not Bob Ross speaking! My first copy of new Street_Spot magazine has just arrived and I am thrilled by the print quality and feel of this premium product. It is a joy to flip through the pages and get in touch with great inspiring photography.

Looking at high quality prints is a way different ballpark than seeing them (even) on a super duper computer display. Printing creates an image you can hold in your hands for real without any circuit attached. Printing also creates a different density and let the photos shine without that pixel-counting-thing (if your did it right). It is more like holding a developed analogue photo in your hands that has still today its certain magic.

If you don't print your photos you should test how it feels going to your local bookshop and look at some high quality photo books from well known photographers. You will notice how good the photos look on premium paper and how relaxing it is without all that technical stuff behind it. There are no social components attached. If you want to share the joy you can take the printed photos with you and enjoy them with friends and family. You can also put a magazine or a book on a table and let other people discover and enjoy them without an electronic device in front of their eyes.

We should print more and enjoy our photos outside the digital world!




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