Buy the new X-PRO1!

Yesterday I was in love again with my new X-PRO1. New? Yeah! Do it like Eric Kim wrote on his blog over and over again. Try to act like you just received your new X-PRO1 today for the first time. Watch older reviews (like that great one from Zack Arias) and put the cheap (only in price) 27mm on this little precious and enjoy!

With the 27mm 2.8 the X-PRO1 shines like a crazy diamond in the sun. The auto-focus is spot-on and the lens is tack sharp from edge to edge. There is no aperture ring on this lens what makes it perfect for street photography with a small 27mm pancake. There is no way to change the aperture by accident when you hold your camera. The OVF also shines in conjunction with this lens. The rectangular frame-lines are as small as you can see what is moving into the frame, but large enough to compose your shot like a boss.

I nearly never missed a shot even in fast changing situations doing point and shoot. This lens-camera-combination is just perfect without with little to no focus hunting. Sometimes it takes some time to find out what works perfect together.

The X-PRO1 is still a great camera that delivers stunning organic images that have this analogue touch (I still love the grain that come from the first generation x-trans sensor). And with this simple but high quality plastic lens this beast comes out of his dungeon! So if you are complaining that the new X-PRO2 is way too expensive for you then you should buy yourself the above mentioned combination for just 700 bucks and take some images in the streets without worrying about quality or auto focus. I am always overwhelmed by looking at the results (click the images in this blog post) of this great duo.

Don't forget that photography is about taking photos and not talking about gear all the time! I just want to lead you back to the things you already own.




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