Two months with the XPRO2

I think it is time now to write some lines about what it feels like using the new XPRO2 for two months now. I used the camera a lot and it still feels like a solid piece of photographic gear. There was no software bug or something else bothering me. I also had no problems with heat or other similar quirks, so the camera is doing it´s job without letting me down.

The resulting images are a good example how good the new sensor works. The camera produces great natural looking images that have enough detail and latitude for later editing (if you need that, because the in-camera-processing is also great). The WIFI feature is something I still enjoy. In conjunction with snapseed or VSCO you can create stunning images on the fly. The only drop of bitterness is the lower resolution of the images coming from the camera. Why is there no resolution setting to get more details?

The faster auto-focus is most of the time accurate and makes the OVF a real joy to use. If you use the 35 or 27 you have the perfect frame-lines with enough space to see what is happening around them. On the XPRO1 the OVF was only usable with zone-focusing.

I tried every lens I own and my favorite combinations are:

  • XF 18 2.0 - the perfect wide companion in dense environments that gives you an extra stop of light compared to the other wide angle lenses on the market. Also perfect for zone-focusing!
  • XF 27 2.8 - a razor sharp pancake for an insane low price tag. Seeing is believing!
  • XF 35 1.4 - another classic lens that delivers great results
  • XF 60 2.4 - a bit slower in terms of focusing than the rest, but sharp as the 27mm.
Especially the 18mm is one of the most underestimated lenses out there. On the XPRO2 the auto-focus is fast enough and the results coming from this low profile lens are great (even at f2.0). The next three images a shot with that lens:

 I think Fuji did a good job in the last four years and created a camera that is not meant to be the perfect tool for every photographer out there. You have to put this thing into your hands and use it for a day. If there is no feeling of "rush of blood to the head"..."this is it!" you can leave this camera in the store and look for another model or brand that fits your needs. If you're a Fuji XPRO1 owner and you are satisfied with your cam then buy yourself another lens, a tripod or go on vacation, the gear is not that important. And this is why this article closes with three actual images shot with my XPRO1 and the 18mm. I still use this camera from time to time and enjoy the unique organic look of the resulting images.




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