Got my X100F back from Fuji repair

As I reported some days ago I had a serious problem with my new X100F. The AF switch was broken and the camera could not be set to AF-S via the switch on the left side. The camera is now repaired and works fine again.

There is only one minor thing that bothers me a bit. Back in the days Fuji pulled my camera via UPS for free and now you have to send the camera in on your own bill (except you are a pro how owns more than two cameras). I think that this is okay if your camera is older than two years, but my camera was freshly bought and near mint. The guy I phoned with at Fuji repair was not really cooperative and I had to add another amount of money (delivery with insurance) to the pile of money I've spent on the camera. Sad but true.

I don't think that this is the right way to treat customers who bought a premium product.

UPDATE 17/05/12: My camera has a new problem now. The silver cell that keeps the settings when you change the battery is now dead. After one to three seconds the camera does a factory reset. The Fuji service staff told me that the circuit that was changed also contains that cell. So I have to send the camera again to the Fuji service. But this time they sent me a pull label via UPS. I hope this is the last problem with my brand new X100F...


  1. Obviously, this is very, very poor treatment from Fuji. They ought to refund your postage with an apology and announce that such poor treatment will not happen again.

    1. It is for a camera I purchased just one month ago. Fuji can do better. But they never responded to my concerns like many great companies do...sad but true.

  2. I guess it depends on which country you are in. I bought a refurbished X-T2 from Fuji UK. There were minor issues. These were no big deal and I could have kept the camera. I emailed them and without asking any question, sent out a prepaid back for me to return the camera. They even agree to send a replacement before getting my camera back. Fantastic service.

    1. Sounds great. I've had a conversation with a Fuji guy on the phone asking him why I have to pay for the delivery and he said Fuji will only pull the camera on their bill if you are a pro user who owns more than one camera. I live in Germany. Maybe Fuji Germany behaves that way...

  3. Recently my X100F EVF view finder got jammed halfway through the OVF and will not budge. I gotta send it out for repair, but Fuji is paying for the shipping, they sent me a printable postage to send to their Canada office. I'm really hoping warranty will cover it cause I've never dropped it, but I do use the camera extensively on a daily basis so it has already gained a few scratches. Here they have the camera sent in for evaluation by a specialist then you either have warranty approved or you gotta pay. Were you covered by warranty?

    1. It was covered by warranty. I hope Fuji will read this and think about the way they treat their customers.


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