Fuji X Raw Studio - what is it good for?

There is very little information about this new software, but the main purpose is to use the specialized image processor of the camera to process you images via a USB connection in-camera. The resulting images have that superb Fuji quality. So the software is more of a remote control for something you can still do today. Maybe it has more options and you have the bigger (calibrated) screen of your desktop or notebook to operate with.

But what is it good for?

I think this will be a great solution for photographers who are on the go. Imagine using a light notebook together with your camera to process some images you took as a travel photographer. Just go back to your hotel room and work on the final images without compromising image quality.

I don't know if I want to connect my camera for hours to process more than ten images, so I'am curious about the concept and the use cases Fuji will present to us in the near future.

What do you think about this new software solution?


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